More and more companies are looking to reduce their carbon footprint and measure their environmental impact in order to take action. This practice is on the rise, as society is increasingly aware of the repercussions of its actions on the planet and is more sensitive to the fight against climate change.
Today, the goal is to make the economy as sustainable as possible. That is why many companies measure their impact through a study on the carbon footprint, which reflects the emission of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) emitted directly or directly in their manufacturing, products or services.
The vegan and sustainable footwear brand Vesica Piscis (partner of the LIFE-REWEART project), submitted its 2019 activity to the study, obtaining 0% CO2 emissions (0 Kg) and savings of up to 90% in electricity.
The factory located in Elche (Spain) was analysed in Scope 1 (direct emissions produced by the burning of fuels by the emitter and travel with vehicles) and Scope 2 (indirect emissions generated by the electricity consumed and purchased by the emitter).
With regard to Scope 1, the company did not consume any type of fuel at its facilities, nor did it have a fleet of vehicles.
As for electricity expenditure (Scope 2), the service is contracted with GESTERNOVA and certified by EKOEnergía, a company that distributes renewable energy. In addition, the spaces have natural light and are covered by low-consumption and LED luminaires.
By contracting a renewable energy company, not having machinery that requires fuel and manufacturing to order, Vesica Piscis has become a brand committed to the environment, with a carbon footprint in the production process of 0%, taking firm steps towards a lower impact on nature.
These results are fully aligned with objective 4 of the LIFE-REWEART project:
Raise awareness and support the footwear sector by providing cost-effective solutions that include more efficient techniques that can also improve profitability.
(1) This calculation has been carried out by the consultancy Etres, which has complied with the methodology to be followed to calculate the carbon footprint that complies with the provisions of article 6 of Royal Decree 163/2014, of 14 March, which creates the register of carbon footprint, compensation and carbon dioxide absorption projects
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